Wednesday, October 2, 2013


 Technology...I can't believe what its done to me! 

The reason I am saying this is because tonight something occurred to me. It went kinda like this...

     We got home from church and me and my Sis were walking towards the house. She stopped short and asked me what the cluster of stars was that she was looking at. So I told her it was probably the Big Dipper or Little Dipper. So I ended up looking up towards the stars and I just stood there frozen. I said something like this to my sis "I haven't really looked up at the stars in a long while..." and she says "Ya that's because you're too busy looking down at your phone."

   For once I actually agreed with her. How much have I been missing while I text/email and play games on my iPod? Probably quite a few starry nights and some beautiful sunny warm days! I can't believe how much all the electronics have affected my life. It scares me how my sisters want to play on the iPad or computer instead of playing outside or with dolls like I did when I was their age.
  It's almost like technology stole some of their childhood away. The days where you should be playing in the dirt and catching frogs and swinging on the swings. Not playing Temple Run or doing Wii Fit!
   God made this beautiful earth for us, and some of us don't even give it a second thought. 
 I could have spent so much time outdoors with my sisters or giving my fat dog some much needed exercise. 
     I just thought I would share that, and say I am going to try to GET OUT more (as much as school will allow.) See ya,


P.S.-I love technology, but I was just so shocked at my um revelation I thought I'd share it. :)


  1. Good Tangent. :) Stick to that commitment. I love you soo much and can't wait to see you.

  2. LOL thanks :) I'm getting a little to good with this whole "Tangent" thing...:)
